TEDxSydney 2019 will be a day like no other. You will be taken on a journey, taught new things, experience new technology, meet and connect with interesting people and of course watch inspiring talks, performances and films.
The theme for TEDxSydney 2019 is Legacy. What have we been left with? What are we doing with what we’ve been left with? What will we leave behind?
Legacy is anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. It can be personal, organisational, cultural or generational. Although in the context of humankind, we may feel acutely aware of our individual insignificance within the overarching and cosmic scheme of things; we continue as a species and as individual members of that species we continue to be healthily preoccupied with the impact that we can have on other people both living and yet to be living.
Friday 24 May 2019
ICC, Sydney NSW
Buy your tickets now: TEDxSydney.com